Student’s Output Profile
To make the educational progress in YPI Ar-Rohmah run in accordance to the ideal of the founders and pioneers, the entire work program, learning process must refer to the agreed output targets. In accordance to the ideal, vision mission of Hidayatullah’s integral education, this output target is the application of taqwa/godly concept, intelligence and independence.
Future Concept
Basic Education
Each of these three concepts has a derivative of 5 basic characteristics of students/santri, so that if is added up 5+5+5 it becomes 15 characters. By having these 15 characters, it is hoped that YPI Ar-Rohmah alumni students have become part of ummat who are always in congregation in fighting for Islam, for the sake of upholdingizzul islam wal muslimin. To make it easier to mention, these 15 basic characteristics of santri are abbreviated as “generation 555”. The generations that will be born in the future are those who are always in congregation in the struggle for Islam, have complete faith in the help of Allah, Rasulullah and the believers as promised by Allah swt in the 5th chapter (Al-Maidah) verse 55.
Your guardian can be only Allah; and His messenger and those who believe, who establish worship and pay the poordue, and bow down (in prayer).”. Al Maidah: 55
- Understanding the islamic knowledge
- Explaining the meaning, position, categories, sources, pathways to acquire knowledge, the virtue of seeking knowledge, preparations for students, manners of seeking knowledge, obstacles in seeking knowledge, the obligations of the knowledgeable person.
- Understanding aqidah according to the manhaj salafus shalih
- Explaining the meaning, position, sources, ways of understanding Aqidah according to salafusholih, deviations in understanding Aqidah, the nature of ma’rifatullah, including rububiyyah, uluhiyyah and asthma’ and His shifat from surah al-alaq, the nature of ma’rifatul Insan, the nature of ma’rifatul ‘rifatul Allah, the nature of the Prophet’s ma’rifatur, position, function and consequences and cancelers of syahadatain.
- Have wala’ and bara’ attitude
- Explaining the meaning, concepts of wala’ and bara’ in surah al-Alaq and other surahs, the importance of wala’ and bara’ for a Muslim, applying the attitude of wala’ and bara’ in the reality of everyday life.
- Understand the concept of haq and batil
- Explaining the meaning of Surah Al-Qolam 1-7, understanding haq and batil, classifying the concept of haq and batil in surah al-Qalam and other surahs, identifying people who holds to haq and who holds to batil, practice haq and batil in daily
- Has a quranic life vision
- Explaining the concept of the Qur’anic life vision in surah al-Qalam, explaining the ta’rif of the Qur’an and the purpose of its revelation, the obligation of a Muslim to the Qur’an and the consequences of living without the Qur’an, the conditions for interacting with the Qur’an, practicing the Qur’an like the companion of prophet.
- Make the Prophet as uswatun hasanah
- Explaining the meaning, position, functions and duties, traits, our obligations to Rasulullah, aspects of exemplary to the Prophet, the virtues and specificities of making Rasulullah as uswatun hasanah, Describing the results and consequences of living life without uswah to the Messenger of Allah , Practicing the akhlak of Rasulullah
- Always worship Allah, both obligatory and sunnah
- Explaining the meaning, purpose, conditions for acceptance of worship, kinds of obligatory and sunnah worship, performing obligatory and sunnah worship in daily life
- Always taqarrub to Allah with Qiyamul lail, Tartil Qur’an, Dhikrullah, Tabattul, Tawakkul, Patience, Hijrah
- Explain the meaning and purpose of taqarrub to Allah, doing qiyamullail, get used to the tartil of the Qur’an, dhikrullah, practice tabattul (total attitude) in the way of Allah, trust in Allah, live patiently, the meaning and purpose of hijrah, stay away from disobedience and its perpetrators
- Have an Islamic culture and stay away from the culture of jahiliyah
- Explaining the meaning of Islamic culture and jahiliyah culture, classifying Islamic culture with jahiliyah culture that exists in the midst of society, implementing Islamic culture and staying away from jahiliyah culture.
- Actively preaching
- Explaining the meaning and purpose, goals, methods and means of da’wah, actively preaching in the midst of society
- Actively doing amar ma’rufandnahi munkar
- Explaining the meaning and purpose of amar ma’ruf and nahi munkar, ethics, levels of amar ma’ruf and nahi munkar, and implementing them
- Having the characteristic of da’i
- Realizing exemplary values in oneself, before preaching to others, carrying out da’wah that is oriented to the exaltation of Allah, maintaining the purity of self and family physically and mentally, staying away from big and small sins, carrying out selfless da’wah, carrying out da’wah patiently and full of wisdom
- Have the awareness to uphold Islam in kaffah way
- Understanding the concept of Al-Jama’ah
- Have a commitment to live together in a leadership
- Preparing for jihad fisabilillah
- Understanding Hidayatullah as jama’ah minal muslimin
- Ready to become a cadre or member of the Jama’ah Hidayatullah
- Have loyalty to the leadership in the Jama’ah Hidayatullah
- Able to read Al-Quran with tartil and mujawwad (passed the ummi method)
- Memorizing some of the surahs of the Quran (regular 3 juz, takhoshus 10 juz) and the Hadith of the Prophet PBUH [Hadith of daily prayer and dzhikr (Junior High School) and hadith of Arbain Nawawi (Senior High School)]
- Understanding some of the surahs of the Qur’an and the Hadith of the Prophet PBUH (al-muyassar tafsr juz 30, 29, 28 and the book makarimul akhlaq liman aroda al-akhlaq and adabul Islamiyah linnasyiah)
- Students understand the basics of aqidah, fiqh and Islamic dates
- Students can read simple Arabic books
- Able to i’rob Arabic sentences
- Able to finish and read 8 kitab
- Mastering a minimum of 75% of the basic competencies of all subjects
- Able to get assignment scores, daily tests and minimum semester tests according to KKM
- Able to think constructively, scientifically, logically and analytically
- Knowing the concept of science in an Islamic perspective
- Mastering a minimum of 85% of the basic competencies of all subjects
- Able to get assignment scores, daily tests and minimum semester tests according to KKM
- The average UAN score for junior high school is 8.0 (9.8 individuals), the average score of UAN for senior high school is 7.0 (9.0 individuals)
- Enjoy reading knowledge books
- Have a collection of knowledge books at least 4 titles per year
- Always bring a book to read in spare times
- Having at least 1250 Arabic-English vocabularies
- Able to read fluently and write/compose simply
- Able to understand everyday language and dialogue in Arabic-English
- Able to deliver ideas verbally for at least 30 minutes
- Able to compose at least 1 piece of writing
- Able to make simple proposals and reports
- Able to display works in wall magazines or other media
- Able to make reviews and summaries of a book
- Able to make simple applied technology works (Senior High School)
- Able to be a prayer priest, dare to call the Adhan
- Skilled in leading marching training
- Able to convey ideas and influence others
- Active in the management of school organizations both in OPH / ISTH / class / dormitory
- Able to organize and work together in team work
- Have a disciplined character in all things
- Value time by doing positive activities
- Dare to convey and uphold the truth in any condition
- Be honest, clean, tidy, beautiful
- Able to take good care of personal belongings
- Able to accept all the risks of his actions
- Maintain physical, clothing and environmental hygiene
- Maintain body fitness
- Get used to eating and drinking halal, good and not excessive
- Quick and not sickly
- Maintain physical, clothing and environmental hygiene
- Maintain body fitness
- Get used to eating and drinking halal, good and not excessive
- Quick and not sickly
- Able to solve social muamalah (interaction) problems.
- Able to manage daily finances
- Able to care for, tidy up clothes, maintain personal inventory items.
- Able to carry out daily worship with self-awareness.
- Take the initiative to learn independently.
- Actively participate in school, dormitory and community activities
- Doing simple research
- Have art, writing, design and hand creation
- Able to fill free time with useful personal activities