ARROHMAH.CO.ID — SMA Ar-Rohmah International Islamic Boarding School Pesantren Hidayatullah Malang has achieved outstanding results once again by winning in the Kompetisi Sains Kabupaten (KSK) held at SMA Islam Kepanjen on Saturday (18/3).

The following are the students who achieved these accomplishments:

  1. Nailah Putri Syafi’i – 1st Place in Chemistry
  2. Annisa Nur Ilma – 1st Place in Economics
  3. Latifah Nur Hidayah – 1st Place in Geography
  4. Aqila Ikhza Kusumawardani – 2nd Place in Physics
  5. Rahma Fitria Putri – 2nd Place in Economics
  6. Aniis Aifa Najuba – 3rd Place in Informatics
  7. Fachrijal Akbar – 3rd Place in Physics

The competition was attended by approximately 658 high school students from at least 47 schools that are members of the Private High School Working Meeting (MKKS) in Malang Regency.

The science competition participants were divided into 20 rooms, and the test questions were given randomly. The competition tested nine subjects, and each subject was given 2 hours to complete.

“By participating in this competition, the students are also preparing themselves to compete in science olympiads that are held at various levels up to the national level. In sha Allah, in early April, there will be the District Science Olympiad organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud),” said Ustadzah Yunilia, one of the competition’s supervisors.

“Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah, the students who became delegates of the MKKS OS achieved the best results,” she added while expressing her gratitude.

May all the students be given steadfastness in learning and always maintain a humble attitude. (El-Weeldan/Humas)


Ar-Rohmah Islamic Boarding School merupakan institusi pendidikan yang dikelola oleh Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Ar-Rohmah Putri. Tak hanya mendidik siswa-siswi di jenjang SMA, Ar-Rohmah Islamic Boarding School Jawa Timur juga mendidik siswa di jenjang SMP.

Dengan menerapkan pendidikan berbasis pesantren, lembaga pendidikan ini memadukan aspek intelektual, life skill, dan aspek mental-spiritual. Total terdapat 3 kampus yang terdiri dari Ar-Rohmah Putri IBS, Ar-Rohmah Putri IIBS, dan Ar-Rohmah Tahfizh.

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